This is the pre-commit hook I use on this website. I use this hook to automate updating and building the latest Resume PDF. If you're curious why I generate my resume, you can read about why I do this here if you're interested. After accidentally forgetting to build the PDF a couple times, I figured there's an easy way to ensure this happens automatically. You should never "just remember" to do things that robots can do for you.
The solution is to just use a git pre-commit hook which provides a nice interface to running some shell commands during certain lifecycle hooks.
# This script just ensures we update our skills.mdx page anytime we make a change.
# If there's any changes, it also rebuilds the resume PDF.
# Check if we need to update the 'Last Updated' part
actually_updated_at=$(git log -1 --pretty="format:%cd" --date=format:"%B %Y" src/pages/skills.mdx)
says_updated_at=$(cat src/pages/skills.mdx | grep --color=never 'Last Updated' | sed -n 's/.*Last Updated: \([A-Za-z]*\) \([0-9]*\).*/\1 \2/p')
if [ "$actually_updated_at" != "$says_updated_at" ]; then
echo "Updating 'Last Updated' blurb from '$says_updated_at' to '$actually_updated_at'"
# Taken from:
sed -i.bak "s/${says_updated_at}/${actually_updated_at}/g" src/pages/skills.mdx
rm src/pages/skills.mdx.bak # Remove the backup file
git add src/pages/skills.mdx
echo "No updated needed for 'Last Updated' blurb. It's already set to '$actually_updated_at'"
# Check if we need to rebuild the resume PDF
need_rebuild=$(git diff --name-only HEAD | grep --color=never 'src/pages/skills.mdx')
if [ -n "$need_rebuild" ]; then
astro_pid=$(ps aux | grep 'astro dev' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
echo "astro_pid: $astro_pid"
if [ ! -n "$astro_pid" ]; then
echo "Starting Astro"
yarn astro dev &
sleep 5
# We kill astro because we started it programmatically
node buildResumePdf.js
if [ $kill_astro -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Killing Astro"
kill $astro_pid
git add public/adam_taylor_resume_latest.pdf
echo "No need to rebuild the resume PDF. No changes to src/pages/skills.mdx."
# Run prettier and add modified files to staging
# From:
FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR | sed 's| |\\ |g')
[ -z "$FILES" ] && exit 0
# Prettify all selected files
echo "$FILES" | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --ignore-unknown --write
# Add back the modified/prettified files to staging
echo "$FILES" | xargs git add
exit 0
I mostly write this because I've had to write a pre-commit file from scratch like 5 times in the past week, so I suppose it's been top-of-mind recently.